23 Apr 2011

a day with-out my chef jacket...

many have said too much sleep is bad...but the alarm keep's self shuting, thats when sweet dreams are really made of these

                                            espresso!! how on earth can any one resist that.
                     No comments on the box of tabbaco which is sitting next to it...life is full of choices

"sorry i didnt mean it"
amongst the greatest creation of mankind. Just when u need to call the maid to clean the house which is messed up. Plus calling friends to make up after a hard week...shit happens, this is not by choice

Dear Gin Tonic,
i loved you before, gladly am still in love with you now but hopefully it remains forever....

where did i park my car?...out for a walk to a hang-out spot.

he must be waiting there long for me, peeps im late!
                          well, for all reason there needs a person to be blame...such a cruel world

"ok, ok i see you..i get what u mean"
attention, temptation, confuses etc...sorry but i dont bring cash around with me.
Amex, is it possible?

enough is enough...i wanna go back home!
which street am i in?

"honey where did you go"
while she waits for me, my loyal and good buddy Miky

living life till its fullest, another day its about to start

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